BurritoCon 5 Goes Virtual

It’ll probably come as no surprise that BurritoCon is going online. I’d really wanted to have a face to face event to get together with the amazing gamers who come along for RPG fun, while also supporting the excellent Fanboy 3 where we had planned to run the event (check out their new site, it’s fantastic).

The plan is to take the event online, increase the sessions slots from 3 to 3.5 hours and open it up to anyone who wants to join in either as player or GM. So here’s what I have in mind:

Saturday 1st August from 10am to 6.30pm

  • Session 1: 10am – 1.30pm
  • Break: 1.30pm – 3pm (that’s 1.5 hours which means a GM could run their session up to 4 hours if they need to and still leave an hour for lunch)
  • Session 2: 3pm to 6.30pm (and later if the GM and players agree)
  • The latest list of games on offer is can be found here
  • Participants aged 18+ only

The event will be managed with Warhorn, so all players will need to sign up for that. I’ll do my best to make sure everyone who applies gets a game, but game sign ups will be on a first come first served basis. GM’s will get to pick their games first, I’ll approve an open the event to them for a day or so, then everyone else will be able to pick their games.

If you’d like to take part in the event as a player the easiest thing is to message me on Twitter at @OldScouserRPing, or just reply to posts about the event saying you’d like to play. There is a BurritoCon group that you will be invited to.

At the moment I have a number of GMs who’ve kindly offered to run games. If you’d like to run a game at this event please complete the form below (note: we have a full roster of games now, game submissions are on hold for the time being).

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